
The Tummy Tucks Library

There are several types of tummy tucks in the cosmetic beauty industry. Different types of abdominal issues require one of these procedures. The American Society of Plastic Surgery notes that the most common causes of tummy tuck surgeries are the sagging of skin due to the aging process, which lessens the elasticity of the skin. Inactivity is also a factor leading to tummy fat as one grows older. Some conditions are also hereditary, some are caused by pregnancy, weight fluctuation, or prio

Tummy Tucks Explained

  • Full Tummy Tuck
  • Mini Tummy Tuck
  • Extended Tummy Tuck
  • Fleur-De-Lis Tummy Tuck

These procedures are required depending on the goals of the patient.

Full Tuck

A full tummy tuck will improve the upper and lower abdomen. If there is excessive skin and weakened muscles, this is the procedure needed. This will flatten and make taut below and above the belly button. A small, invisible umbilical incision is made in the low waistline and is hidden by swimwear or underwear after recovery. The recovery time is three weeks

Mini Tuck

The mini tuck is for those bothersome fats between the pubic area and the navel that rigorous exercise won’t move. A small horizontal incision is made between the hipbones, excessive skin is removed, and underlying muscles tightened. Recovery time is two weeks with no rigorous activities.

Extended Tuck

The extended tummy tuck involves the full tuck and additional measures. Laxity in abdominal muscles, excess skin hanging from the lower and upper abdomen weighing heavily on the body, likely requires this procedure. Liposuction is beneficial for this patient also. Recovery time is three weeks, but the scar can take longer to heal.

Fleur De-Lis Tuck

The Fleur-De- Lis tummy tuck gets its name from the shape of the incision, according to Dr. James Shwartz, the plastic surgeon. This procedure requires the physician to make an incision the shape of a Fleur-De-Lis petal. This procedure is for patients with skin in the midline of the abdomen and who have looseness of the skin swinging from side to side. These patients often suffer from dramatic weight loss and have horizontal and vertical laxity.

An incision is made along the pubic bone, then a vertical incision goes across the middle of the abdomen. This allows the surgeon to tighten the skin from the inside to significantly improve the look of the abdomen. Recovery time is two to three weeks.