Rhinoplasty Surgery In Miami

Rhinoplasty Surgery In Miami

Rhinoplasty is a procedure which goal is to improve the presence of the nose. It can be for functional reasons as well – it can improve the nasal airflow – but most of the time, rhinoplasty is to improve the look of the nose

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a procedure which goal is to improve the presence of the nose. It can be for functional reasons as well – it can improve the nasal airflow – but most of the time, rhinoplasty is to improve the look of the nose. It can be a surgical procedure but also a medical procedure with temporary injectables, but it definitely can give a benefit. Surgical rhinoplasty obviously would be long-lasting, for life, and the most important thing is to tailor that procedure to the patient. A better-looking nose makes people more confident. Patients that have had an issue with the appearance of the nose, most of them for many years, really lacking in self-confidence. So, the aesthetic improvement of the presence of the nose makes them want to feel that they have done the right thing. The cosmetic improvement is essential, but so is the function of the nose. Having a blocked nose can be very debilitating to someone’s life so that the benefit can be both functional and aesthetic. No procedure – nothing in life is risk-free. The risks are very much dependent on what the treatment is, what the procedure is. Some risks are inherent to having an operation, but specific risks these days are quite rare. There can be a little bit of bleeding – obviously, there is the downtime of a surgical procedure, with bruising and puffiness of the face and the nose. However, it’s a safe operation in the right hands.

Should I have a Rhinoplasty procedure?

You may request a rhinoplasty because your nose is too big, too small, too wide, too broad, too bulbous. It may be deviated and doesn’t function well. It may be a mixture of all of those issues. In modern rhinoplasty, now, it’s a very tailored procedure and that is tailored to the individual. We’re all different and the operation takes into account not only your face shape, your skin type, your height and we want to achieve a natural-looking result that looks good and is durable and long-lasting.

What should I expect after my rhinoplasty surgery?

After rhinoplasty surgery, everyone has a degree of swelling. An 80 to 90 percent of that swelling will disappear during the first week. However, a degree of the swelling will remain, and a further 80 to 90 percent of that remaining swelling will go away in the second week. The vast majority of patients can go back to normal activities social and professional activities after a week; however, if you have a second week, that is to your benefit. The final result, when all of the swellings have resolved, is six to twelve months after surgery. Particular parts of the bridge of the nose are susceptible to swelling, and these errors take longer for the swelling to completely disappear. The aspect that coincides with swelling is bruising, and about 10 to 20 percent of patients will have to bruise under the eyes. That is because that part is the thinnest skin in the entire body, and it can last for even six weeks after surgery. You can cover this with makeup after one week, and it’s barely noticeable. In terms of pain, the vast majority of patients have relatively mild pain after rhinoplasty surgery. Most patients do not require analgesia 48-hour after surgery. So, most of the discomfort is over the first 48 hours when oral analgesia relieves it. In terms of sensation, there is usually some change in sensation at the tip of the nose. Some patients will report some changes in the feeling in the upper lips and stiffness in the upper left. In the vast majority of patients, the sensation goes back to normal over the first few weeks; however, occasionally, it can last for many months. Also, the swelling on the inner lining of the nose results in less comfortable breathing and changes in your sense of smell. As the swelling resolves over the first few weeks, the sense of smell and your breathing will improve.

When can I return to my regular activities?

Watching the television, reading, using the internet, these kinds of activities can be continued even the day after surgery. However, it is essential to avoid lifting or exerting yourself things that will increase your blood pressure for the first two weeks after surgery. It is also critical that you avoid aerobic exercise for the first couple of weeks after surgery. Generally speaking, you can go back to exercise after three to four weeks. If you play contact sports, mainly ball games like tennis, you should leave a more extended period, about six to eight weeks. Different parts of the nose recover at different times, but usually, most patients can go back to their normal activities a week or two after surgery. The final result in terms of the nose appearance takes six to twelve months after surgery.

Rhinoplasty – What to Expect

Rhinoplasty (RIE-no-plas-tee) is a plastic surgery procedure that changes the shape of the nose. The usual motivations for rhinoplasty are to change the appearance of the nose, improve breathing or both.


Did you know the upper portion of the structure of the nose is bone, and the lower portion is cartilage.? See, you learn something new everyday. Rhinoplasty is neat because it can change bone, cartilage, skin or all three. Talk with your surgeon about whether rhinoplasty is appropriate for you and what it can achieve. Ensure your surgeon is a board-certified surgeon, meaning is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), which is the only board the American Board of Medical Specialties recognizes to certify doctors in the full range of plastic and reconstructive procedures.


When meeting with your surgeon to discuss rhinoplasty, the surgeon will consider your other facial features, the skin on your nose and what you would like to change. If you're a candidate for surgery then your surgeon will develop a customized plan for you to achieve the results you are looking for.


Why it’s done


Rhinoplasty is done to change the shape, size, or proportions of your nose. It is also done to repair deformities from an injury, correct a birth defect or improve some breathing difficulties like a deviated septum.


How you prepare


You cannot schedule rhinoplasty without speaking with a surgeon first. There are important things to be determined as well as whether you are a good candidate for surgery or is it too risky? You will discuss your medical history, your expectations, have a physical exam and perhaps look at some before and after pictures. Your surgeon will also examine your facial features and the inside and outside of your nose.


It is important to be aware that if you have a small chin, your surgeon may speak with you about performing surgery to augment your chin. Smaller chins create the impression of larger noses so you may need to balance things out. It is not required to have chin surgery in these circumstances but it does help even out the proportions of your face.


Once the surgery is scheduled, you'll need to arrange for someone to drive you home if you're having an outpatient surgery. It is important to follow all of your doctor’s instructions for your recovery and to rest. If you don’t, you may not get the results you want.


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