Body Procedures

Body Procedures

Below are the some body procedures performed at Beyond Beauty Plastic Surgery Miami.

Through our lifetimes, various factors, such as aging, pregnancy, weight gain or loss, and smoking, contribute to a decrease in the tightness and fitness of our abdominal wall. Sometimes, despite engaging in conservative measures, such as healthy dietary habits and an active lifestyle, and even performing thousands of sit-ups, the lower abdominal region just doesn’t respond. Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that flattens and reshapes the abdomen and waist by removing excess fat and skin, and unsightly stretch marks, from the lower abdomen, tightening the abdominal muscles, contouring the waist and hips, and repositioning the belly button.

Sometimes those stubborn areas of fat just don’t go away, despite engaging in conservative measures, such as healthy dietary habits and an active lifestyle. Liposuction surgery is a unique and highly individualized surgical procedure that helps contour and reshape numerous target areas of the body by removing excess fat through inconspicuously placed, tiny incisions. Liposuction can be done alone, or in combination with other body contouring procedures to help you achieve safe, effective and natural results.

The buttocks are some of the most prominent features of our body and have gotten much attention with recent advancements in surgical technology and techniques. Having become one of the more popular cosmetic surgery procedures performed today, Brazilian buttocks lift (BBL), or gluteal augmentation, is a procedure that uses your own fatty tissue to sculpt and reshape the buttocks and hips to improve the overall appearance and of a woman or a man. The procedure is done together with liposuction to harvest the fat, and is often done in combination with other body contouring procedures.

Many of us struggle with weight problems throughout our lifetimes. When we lose large amounts of weight, by conventional means or even with anti-obesity surgery, we are often left with stretched and saggy skin that just won’t go away, no matter how hard we try. Total body lift, or belt lipectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to completely reshape the abdomen, waist, hips, and lower back by removing circumferentially excessive fat and skin from the lower abdomen, tightening the abdominal muscles, contouring the waist and hips, augmenting the buttocks, and repositioning the belly button. Lower body lift can often be combined with other body contouring procedures to help restore your youth and pre-weight gain body. Using a custom-tailored, individualized approach to your specific needs and desires, a total body lift can help you achieve safe, effective and natural results.

Torn earlobes can happen as the result of continuous wearing of heavy earrings or can be a result of unfortunate accidents or robberies. More often earlobes get torn as a result of having little children pulling the earring while they play with adults with large earrings. Depending on the deformity, reconstruction can be performed in different ways. In most methods, the skin lining the tear is removed creating a raw edge to rebuild.

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